Arriva l'inverno, i motori sono a riposo; cosa si può fare per restare in allenamento? Semplice. Si procede a sistemare quello che non và, si aggiorna quello che va già abbastanza bene e si ottimizza quello che và bene. Un particolare che mi ha dato qualche problema di insonnia durante l'assemblaggio della GT6R R è stato il collettore di scarico. Originale ne esiste solo uno ed è nelle sicure mani di David a Coventry. Il primo progetto, che è quello attualmente montato sulla GT6R R, prevedeva la modifica ad un collettore in ghisa di serie con la trasformazione a doppia uscita anzichè singola, come nell'originale. Il lavoro è stato fatto abbastanza bene ma il collettore non è il massimo in fatto di resa. Garantisce una grande coppia in basso ma soffre agli alti regimi. Grazie a David, ho la possibilità di fare una copia dell'originale ma questa volta in acciaio inox. Ho fatto il progetto e ho trovato la persona giusta che si occuperà della realizzazione. Sarà identico all'originale ma in S.S. anzichè in ghisa. Ottimo!!!!!!
The winter arrives, the engine is at quiet; what can be made in order to remain in training? Simple. It is proceeded to arrange what not run, it is brought up to date what goes already enough well and is optimized what is good. One particular that it has given to me a some problem of insomnia during the assemblage of the GT6R R has been the exhaust manifold. It originates them of it it only exists and it is in the sure hands of David to Coventry. The first project, that it is that one currently mounted on the GT6R R, previewed the modification to a standard cast iron manifold with the transformation to double escape, as in it originates it them. The job has been made enough well the collector is but the maximum revolution. Thanks to David, I have the possibility to make a copy of it originates them but this time in stainless steel. I have made the draw-project and I have found the person just that it will be taken care of the realization. It will be identical to originates it them but in S.S instead of cast iron. Optimal!!!!!!
Jolly good job indeed !
I own a Vitesse 6 I entered in French Historic Rally Championship.
2007 regulation allows the change of the exhaust manifold.
So, I'll be very happy if you were OK to send me the drawings of your which looks quite at all as I want.
If you agree, may be you could scan them and send them here :
Other wise you could send them to my postal address :
1, avenue de la Libération
I thank you in advance.
If you agree
6:05 PM
Hi Raoul,
the next week begins the construction of the SS exhaust manifold. Interests you the endured draw or aspects the construction? they could be necessary modifications!.
10:29 AM
Hi Fabrizio
First of all, thanks answering me.
Both of them in,terest me,even if mods are needed. My brother in law is an old mechanic so I could manage !
If you prefer, we can speak in French ...
12:03 PM
Hi Raoul, I have seen your web site; it compliments.
One curiosity: which modifications you have made the cylinder head? you have pistons forged or stock?
My exhaust manifold draw is in AUTOCAD2004 format. OK?
8:50 AM
Thanks for compliments.
When I rebuilt my Vitesse, the " Federation française du sport automobile " regulations allowed near nothing to do on the head.So, we did two things : first, we aligned inlet and exhaust manifolds with the corresponding holes on the cylinder head ; secondly we erased an embossing in the combustion chamber and rounded edges.
Of course,guides and seats of valves were changed, and doubled valve springs were fitted. Mating plane between cylinder head and engine block was also surfaced.
If I had to do this job today, I think I'll fit a MkII head .
I have stock pistons with shortened skirt.
I don't know what is AUTOCAD2004 format, so I'll try to manage with that.
Re thanks
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